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On the Evaluation of the Most Advantageous Tender of the Procurement of Automated External Defibrillator


For the emergency ambulance of the out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest patients, the automated external defibrillator (AED) is a very important ambulant facility. The emergency medical care law that has been modified since 2013 has indicated by rules that in any public space the AED should be prepared for emergency purpose. In this study, we have built up an evaluation model of the procurement of AED from the experiences of the local fire bureau in order to have an appropriate result for the procurement. In the first part of the study, we adopted the modified Delphi method to choose several evaluation criteria with high consensus. They include specification, function, innovation and price as the four evaluative dimensions and the other eight evaluative indices. In the second part of the study, we used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the priority and the weighting of each evaluative index. The results show that the first three indices are the user-friendly system and operation interface, the operational condition of the environment and the efficiency of data output and storage. The results show that among those nine evaluative indices the first three are a reasonable price, the price of the expendable items and the accessories and its volume and weight, respectively. In summary, we have determined the priority of the evaluated indices for the procurement of AED from the practical perspectives of the front line fireman, as well as the experts of the fire bureau in Miao-Li County.


Tsai, H. Y. (2008). 以群體決策理論解析採購評選作業之研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Taipei University of Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2008.00546
