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A Research on e-book Reading Behavior of Children with Template PC



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The rise of tablet computers has brought about new behaviors in reading. It is worth investigating how tablet computers shape elementary school aged students' reading behaviors, and how those students interact with the tablets while reading. This research uses interviews and log analysis to reveal insights about young students' perspectives of using tablets to read e-books and their reading behaviors. The findings revealed that e-books and tablets 1) heightened students' interest in reading, and 2) increased students' self-confidence in their reading abilities due to the increased reading opportunities. However, tablet computers face the risk of malfunctioning, which in turn creates a need for maintenance. This consideration is a point of concern for some students. And in terms of reading comprehension, the study revealed that young students show a high frequency of scrolling while looking at e-books, indicating more of a browsing behavior than an in-depth reading for content. In addition, reading e-books on tablet computers often leads to multi-tasking, such as browsing the Internet and listening to music. Nevertheless, students do not perceive this multi-tasking to affect their reading.
