  • 期刊


Effect of "TTL BIO-TECH β-Glucan Capsules" on Immune Response


本試驗係參照衛生福利部食品藥物管理署「健康食品之免疫調節功能評估方法」(1999)與「健康食品之免疫調節功能評估方法修訂草案」(2010),針對臺灣菸酒股份有限公司竹南啤酒廠所提供「倍達康」(台美檢體編號:M62-160400001)進行免疫調節功能評估。本研究分為非特異性及特異性免疫反應試驗,使用8週齡雌性SPF級BALB/c小鼠,以每日管餵方式,連續8週餵食不同劑量的「倍達康」試驗物質。在非特異性免疫反應試驗方面,分析血液中吞噬細胞(phagocyte)之吞噬活性,並且在第8週犧牲動物並取脾臟細胞檢測其自然殺手細胞(natural killer cell, NK)之細胞毒殺活性、脾臟細胞增殖反應(proliferation activity)、脾臟免疫細胞次群與細胞激素(IL-2、IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-4和IL-5)。在特異性免疫反應試驗方面,以弗氏佐劑(Freund's adjuvant)搭配OVA抗原,誘導小鼠產生OVA抗原專一性免疫反應,在第8週結束後犧牲動物並取脾臟細胞分析其增殖反應(proliferation activity)、免疫細胞次群、血清總抗體(IgG、IgA)、血清OVA抗原專一性抗體IgE、IgG1及IgG2a與OVA 誘發之細胞激素(IL-2、IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-4與IL-5)以評估免疫調節功能指標。結果發現:在非特異免疫試驗方面,餵食低劑量(1倍試驗物質,82 mg/kg B.W.)即可促進脾臟NK細胞毒殺活性;餵食中劑量(2倍試驗物質,164 mg/kg B.W.)者,則可促進小鼠之血液吞噬細胞的吞噬活性以及脾臟淋巴細胞的增殖反應(Con A刺激條件下)。在特異免疫試驗方面,餵食低劑量(1倍試驗物質,82 mg/kg B.W.)可促進OVA誘發之Th1細胞激素IFN-γ分泌量及血清中OVA抗原專一性IgG2a抗體濃度、降低OVA誘發之Th2細胞激素IL-4與IL-5分泌量與血清中OVA抗原專一性IgE抗體濃度;餵食中劑量(2倍試驗物質,164 mg/kg B.W.)可促進OVA抗原專一性脾臟淋巴細胞增殖反應;而餵食高劑量(5倍試驗物質,410 mg/kg B.W.)除了延續低、中劑量的結果外,更可促進OVA誘發之Th1細胞激素IL-2分泌量,且可促進血清中總IgA與IgG總抗體分泌量。因此,在此試驗模式下,中劑量組相當於成人每日攝取淨重800 mg之試驗物質,可參考作為建議攝取量。綜合以上試驗結果,吾等認為「倍達康」試驗物質有助於:(1)促進自然殺手細胞毒殺活性;(2)提升吞噬細胞活性;(3)促進免疫細胞增殖;(4)調節細胞激素分泌以及(5)促進血清中總IgA與IgG抗體及OVA特異性IgG2a抗體生成。因此,推論「倍達康」具有促進先天性免疫反應與Th1類型免疫反應,以及調節Th2類型免疫反應之功效。


Animal experiments were conducted to evaluate the immunomodulatory activity of "TTL BIO-TECH β-Glucan capsules" (referred to as TTL BG hereafter) produced by the Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Jhunan Brewery. The tests were performed in accordance with the guidelines for "Assessment of Immunomodulatory Effect of Healthy Foods" (1999) and "Revised Method for Evaluation of Immune Regulatory Function of Healthy Food" (2010) published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan. Eight-week-old female SPF-grade BALB/ c mice were administered with TTL BG at different doses by daily tube feeding for 8 consecutive weeks. For evaluation of the effect of TTL BG on innate immunity, mice were administration of TTL BG treatment. At the end of the eighth week, the mice were sacrificed and analyzed for natural killer cell (NK) cytotoxic activity, splenocytes proliferation response, lymphocyte subgroups, and cytokines (IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-4, and IL-5). For evaluation of the effect of TTL BG on adaptive immunity, mice in the test group were injected with OVA in Freund's adjuvant 2 weeks after the initiation of TTL BG treatment. At the end of the eighth week, the mice were sacrificed and analyzed for splenocytes proliferation, lymphocyte subgroups, serum antibody (IgG and IgA), and serum OVA-specific antibodies (IgE, IgG1 and IgG2a) and OVA-induced cytokines (IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-4, and IL-5). Results showed that low dose (82 mg / kg BW) of TTL BG enhanced the cytotoxicity of spleen NK cells, increased levels of OVA-induced Th1 cytokine IFN-γ and OVA-specific IgG2a, and reduced levels of OVA-induced Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-5 and OVA-specific IgE. At medium dose (164 mg/kg BW), TTL BG enhanced the phagocytic activity of blood phagocytes and Con A-induced and OVA-specific spleen lymphocyte proliferation. At high dose (410 mg/kg BW), TTL BG increased the secretion of OVA-induced Th1 cytokine IL-2 and serum levels of total IgA and IgG. Taken together, TTL BG was found to modulate cytokine producti on and enhance natural killer cytotoxic activity, phagocytosis cell activity, immune cell proliferation, and antibody production. Therefore, we conclude that TTL BG can enhance innate immunity and modulate adaptive immunity by increasing Th1 type and decreasing Th2 type immune responses.
