  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Comparison of Absolute Distance Measurement by Different Types of Dual Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers


Two types of the dual mode-locked fiber lasers for asynchronous absolute distance measurement are investigated. The lasers are linear and ring cavity with repetition rate of 70 MHz and 100 MHz, respectively. The group velocity dispersion is not compensated in the first type of the lasers, while the others are fully done. The timing jitter with the Allan deviation below averaging time of 0.2 s during the distance measurement for around 1 m of both types of lasers were 2.5 ps with 600 nm and 1.6 ps with 200 nm. We concluded that the phase noise resulted from the intra-cavity dispersion is the main contribution for the uncertainty of the ranging in these two types of the lasers.


Mode-locked fiber laser distance timing jitter
