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Estimation of Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity in Fractured Rock


An approach is developed to evaluate the permeability tensor and scalar hydraulic conductivity on naturally fractured rocks by using an equivalently orthogonal fracture network. The crack tensor in terms of fracture geometries (orientation, area and aperture) is investigated on the outcrop of andesite rock in Lan-Yu. The true frequency and mean spacing of the fractures is obtained by using the projection technique. Equivalent orthogonal fractured networks was formed by projected the mean orientation of every fracture set onto the principal directions of the crack tensor. In the case study of Lan-Yu site, Taiwan, results show that the values of three principal hydraulic conductivity are 1.42×10^(-4), 1.0×10^(-4) and 9.6×10^(-5) m/sec on major, intermediate and minor principal directions, respectively. In addition, the scalar hydraulic conductivity can be estimated a value of 1.98×10^(-4) m/sec which is similar as the previous study (Lee, et al., 1996) with a value of 6.05×10^(-4) m/sec by using double-ring infiltrometer test in field measurement.
