  • 期刊


Analysis of DNA Adducts by Mass Spectrometry: Importance and Implication in Toxicology


破壞正常的DNA而形成DNA加成產物為細胞癌化的第一步,若要暸解DNA的破壞在基因要變與癌症形成所扮演的角色,就需要在細胞中鑑定此種形式之DNA 的傷害,並將之準確地定量要在複雜的生物樣品中準確地測量這些超微量的DNA 加成產物便需要發展高特異性興高靈敏度的分析方法。本文將回顧質譜儀配合不同的前處理步驟與分離方式分析各式各樣的DNA 加成產物,依鹼基、核苷、核苷酸、寡核苷酸之層級來整理;也會提及這些DNA加成產物在毒物學上主意義與重要性。


DNA adduction appears to be one of the earliest events in the initiation stage of carcinogenesis. In order to understand the role of DNA damage in mutagenesis and cancer formation, accurate detection, characterization, and quantification of DNA adducts are required. Development of highly specific and sensitive assays is imperative for measurement of the ultratrace amounts of DNA adducts in the complex mixture of biological samples. This article reviews assays based on mass spectrometry coupled with sample pretreatment and separation techniques for analysis of various DNA adducts. Analysis of DNA adducts at the level of nucleic acid bases, nucleosides, nucleotides, and oligonucleotides are summarized. The importance and implication ofDNA adducts in toxicology is provided.
