  • 期刊


An Experiment for Teaching and Research Laboratory in Sustainable (Green) Chemistry- Recovery and Proton Magnetic Resonance Study on Mixtures of Ethyl Acetate and Hexanes


為推展能配合永續發展的化學教學與研究,設計了一個回收乙酸乙酯與己烷混合液,並以氫核磁共振方法分析其組成的實驗。此實驗將快速層析分離所得之沖提液蒸餾回收後,藉3億赫核磁共振儀測量在 δ2.02和在 δ0.86的甲基吸收強度,建立檢量線、定量其組成。乃一整合有機化學與分析化學的實驗。能使學生從實做而了解永續化學,對於研究實驗時之溶劑回收也極有用。


An experiment on the recovery and the analysis of ethyl acetate and hexane mixtures was designed for the purpose of promoting the chemistry teaching and research related to sustainable development. The mixture recovered from flash column chromatography by distillation was analyzed by using 300 MHz proton NMR. Its composition was determined by measuring the relative intensity of methyl protons at δ 2.02 and δ 0.86, and then quantified using a calibration standard curve. Analytical and organic chemistry were integrated in this experiment. It is an experiment could give students the understanding of sustainable chemistry through practice, and provides a very useful tool for solvent recovery in research laboratories.
