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The Study of the Effects of Mind Mapping Program on the Fifth-Grade Students' Linguistic Creativity in Elementary School


本研究依據自編之心智繪圖教學活動設計,探討教學後對國小五年級學童語文創造能力表現的影響。研究兼採量化與質化方式,量化部分係採準實驗設計之不等組前測-後測設計,實驗組與對照組為國小五年級學童各29 人。實驗組參加為期十週,每週兩節課課程;對照組則接受原班教學,無實驗處理。研究工具採用「新編語文創造思考測驗」,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行假設考驗。質化部份係另以心智繪圖滿意調查與回饋表、訪談大綱及教學者省思加以分析。歸納量化與質化研究結果主要如下: 一、實驗組經心智繪圖教學後,語文創造力的後測得分優於前測得分。二、實驗組經教學後,其語文流暢力進步最多,其次是語文獨創力,最後是語文變通力。三、學生一致認為學習心智繪圖可以增進記憶力、創造力、統整能力及多元智慧,並有近七成學生願意將心智繪圖融入語文或社會領域,兩成的學生願意將之融入數理領域的學習。四、教師與家長認同心智繪圖能激發孩子潛能。綜合研究結果可證實心智圖教學有助於語文領域的學習。最後本研究提出一些建議,做為未來教學與研究之參考。


The main purpose of the study was to design a mind mapping program for the 5^(th) grade students, and to investigate the effects of the training course on linguistic creativity in elementary school. The method of quantitative and qualitative is employed in this study. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed to examine how the ten-week courses affect students’ linguistic creativity. Each 29 5^(th) grade students from two classes to an elementary school in Chiayi were instructed into an experimental group by mind mapping and a control group without any experimental teaching methods separately. The instruments we used were: (1) New Linguistic Creativity Test; (2) Feedback questionnaire; (3) interview and (4) The observer’s note. Quantitative data were analyzed by one-Way ANCOVA. The main findings are as follows: 1、The experimental group makes a remarkable progress in the New Linguistic Creativity Test after the training course. And the scores of fluency, flexibility, and originality in the experimental group are significantly better than those in the control group. 2、In the experimental group, the fluency of linguistic creativity shows the most significantly improvement, next is the originality, and finally is the flexibility. 3、The finding is that students in the experimental group believe that the program could enhance their abilities of memory, creativity, integration, and multiple intelligences. Nearly 70% of the students would apply mind mapping to linguistic or social area, while others would apply it to math or science area. 4、Teachers and parents affirm that the mind mapping program is a proven approach to expand students’ potential. The results of the research can be proved that mind mapping program is helpful to integrate into linguistic area. Finally, some suggestions are made to the teaching and research in the future.


