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Development of Children's Peer Relationships and Intervention Strategies from Teachers' Perspective


本研究目的在透過國小教師觀點理解兒童同儕關係發展脈絡及促進同儕關係之輔導策略,包括影響兒童同儕關係因素、同儕關係發展特質、學校常見同儕衝突事件,以及相關輔導策略。研究方法以立意取樣針對9 位現職且具有帶班經驗之國小教師進行半結構式訪談,訪談時間約60分鐘,所得資料以質性紮根理論進行分析。研究結果顯示,影響兒童同儕關係因素主要來自原生家庭父母缺乏正視兒童同儕關係問題的能力、有家庭暴力的現象或教養態度偏差。同儕關係欠佳兒童的特質有自我為主且強勢、內向少言、情緒失控之攻擊。學校常見同儕衝突事件包括次團體排擠和拒絕、愛告狀且爭辯、缺乏適應社交禮儀,以及團隊合作困難。增進兒童同儕關係輔導策略則分為家庭功能和學校系統兩向度:家庭功能為,開創親師工作同盟、強化親子關係,以及充實教養資訊;學校系統則著重教師引領增進團體歸屬感、釐清衝突問題和加強社交技巧,以及發展兒童同理心。受歡迎同儕特質為善於表達想法和領導、熱心服務且善良,以及充分發揮專長貢獻團體。最後提出相關具體建議。

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of children's peer conflicts in elementary school, the characteristics of their developing peer relationships, and factors which affect children's peer relationships, as well as to explore intervention strategies for improving peer relationships. Semi-structured interviews, lasting around 60 minutes, were conducted with 9 elementary school teachers. The data was analyzed using grounded theory. The results showed that factors affecting children's peer relationships included inability to identify the problem of children's peer relationships, domestic violence, and extreme parenting attitudes. Being self-centered, blaming others, introversion, and aggression impaired children's peer relationships. Peer conflict situations in school included being isolated from subgroups, frequent pestering and arguing, lack of social skills, and difficulties cooperating with others. Intervention strategies for improving peer relationships included enhancing family functions and school systems. Creating a parent-teacher working alliance, improving parent-child relationships and enriching parenting information could improve family functions. Promoting a sense of group belonging, clarifying the issue of conflict, strengthening social skills, and increasing empathy could improve school systems. Characteristics of the proper expression of ideas, leadership, kindness, altruism, and contribution to their groups improved children's peer relationships. Suggestions for future research were also put forward.
