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Taiwanese Hakka Mountaineers' Song and A Folk Song


由於鄉土教育的提倡,台灣客家的山歌與民謠亟需加以認識與重視。首先,本文就台灣的環境背景,敘述台灣的客家音樂,大致上可分成:1.聲樂類(山歌與兒歌)。2.器樂類(八音)。3.戲曲類(採茶)等三種。其次,客家山歌的分類有:1.三大調:(1)老山歌。(2)山歌仔。(3)平板。2 .小調。3 .客家流行歌曲:(1)傳統客家流行歌曲。(2)創新客家歌謠。接著,探討謠,謠分為童謠與民謠。最後,結論提出台灣客家的山歌與民謠作品融入現代樂器的節奏,推陳出新,創造符合現代人生活的歌曲,並透過客家音樂節、媒體客家音樂節目的廣播及競賽等活動,讓其活絡起來。


台灣 客家 音樂 客家音樂 鄉土教育


Because of the promotion of the native (or local geography and history) education, so Taiwanese Hakka mountaineers' song and a folk song is immediacy to acquaint and to consider important. Firstly, following the circumstantial background of Taiwanese living, the text relates Taiwanese Hakka Music, on the whole can sort: 1. Vo c a l music (a mountaineers' song and children' s songs) .2.A musical instrument ( eight kinds of musical sounds-producd from the calabash , earthenware, stretched hides , woods , stone , metal , silk strings and bamboo) .3.A drama (to pick tea leaves) etc.. Secondly, the classification systematical of Hakka mountaineers' song is: 1. Three dai tunes: (1) A old mountaineers' song. (2) A mountaineers' song zi. (3) Dull and stereotyped. 2. Folk songs. 3. Hakka popular song: (1) A traditional Hakka popular song. (2) A creative Hakka folk song. Thirdly, it conducts a folk song. A folk song includes nursery and a folk song. Finally , the conclusion suggests Taiwanese Hakka mountaineers 'song and a folk song works fuse the rhythm of modern musical instrument , to find something new in what is old, it creates the songs of matching the present age life. To make it loosing, it passes through the broadcast and contest activities of the Hakka musical recital and mediums' Hakka musical programs.



