  • 期刊


Zigzag: The Uneasy Path of Taiwan's Corporate Law System




公司法 管制 公司治理 產業政策 董事


Against the backdrop of the third attempt by Taiwan's corporate law community to overhaul and revamp its corporate law system around 2015-2017, this paper takes a critical look of this system, as well as its historical zigzag. Corporate law forms the core of business law, affects the healthy development of businesses, is critical to shareholders protection and corporate governance, capital formation, and even the financial system. However, previous corporate law amendments in Taiwan were more concerned with constraining rather than enabling the development of modern businesses. Haphazard fixes were more prevalent than attempts to achieve systemic integrity. Worse still, as populism gained in Taiwan, its corporate law rules became increasingly parochial. Specific, nitty-gritty provisions matters more than making them a consistent system of laws and rules. Government agencies even exploited the corporate law rules they wrote so as to implement whatever industrial policies that were the fads of the time. These are challenges facing any one tasked to reform Taiwan's corporate law system. Against this background, this paper argues a complete overhaul of the "legal capital" principles so as to address the root cause of all symptoms. It also advocates an overhaul of all "Taiwan-only" rules and their riddance to address the current system's anachronism. The government (and its instrumentalities) and the private sector should be treated equally, and industrial policy should be de-commissioned from the universe of Taiwan's corporate law. This paper also takes a look at several obtrusive recommendations made by the government and expert groups currently reviewing Taiwan's Company Law, and offers an in-depth critique. In conclusion, the author urges all experts, be they in the government, academia or industry, to get over the bias of the original legal family (Common Law or Civil Law), and think through the very purpose and social function of the corporate law system. To this end, the author cites a few more meaningful international examples of corporate law overhaul in recent history. Only in this way, argues the author, can the corporate law system, and national competitiveness as a result, be improved.


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