  • 期刊


Effects of formulation on the preparation of caffeine transfersome


本研究以高壓均質法成功開發出以磷脂醯膽鹼(Phosphatidylcholine,簡稱PC)搭配邊活化劑(Edge activators,簡稱EA) Tween80及助溶劑 1,3-丁二醇(1,3-butylene glycol,簡稱1,3-BG)之包覆咖啡因(Caffeine)的傳遞體(Transfersome)新型載體。本研究嘗試探討有無添加助溶劑、脂質濃度與脂質比例等製備參數對傳遞體粒徑的影響,以及對以微脂粒(Liposome)包覆咖啡因特性之比較。研究發現,有添加1,3-BG的傳遞體配方之粒徑比無添加1,3-BG減少了9.3~12%。由此計算結果可推論1,3-BG助溶劑可使配方中的脂質分散更均勻。探討脂質比例(PC/EA)的影響發現比例高於95%時,脂質將無法達到均勻相分散。另改變脂質濃度(2~5%)發現對粒徑影響不大。以最佳條件製備的傳遞體與微脂粒相比,在未包覆咖啡因時,粒徑分別為153.3 nm (PDI=0.112)和163.1 nm (PDI=0.099),傳遞體粒徑比微脂粒小了6%,而在包覆咖啡因時,其粒徑分別為172.9 nm(PDI =0.103)和181.0nm (PDI=0.115),傳遞體粒徑比微脂粒小了4.5%,推測因邊活化劑擾亂了磷脂質的縝密結構,使其更具彈性及可壓縮性,相對降低了傳遞體的粒徑大小。經計算,傳遞體之咖啡因包覆率 (Entrapment efficiency,簡稱EE%)為40.6%,相對於微脂粒之30.4%包覆率高出10.2%,可知本研究成功製備新型傳遞體載體具有比微脂粒較小粒徑可變形特性與高包覆能力。在應用於化妝品中抗橘皮組織成分之載體包覆,提高成分之安定與經皮吸收性將具有潛力。


Evening school is a convenient way for extensive and advance education for people with a full time job at daytime. Life might turn into a rush after going to evening school and also distort diet habit and quality. The purpose of this study is to explore the eating habits and dieting quality among evening school students. Subjects were recruited from an evening school of a university in central Taiwan and aged between 18-50 years old. Over all 323 subjects which included 46 males and 277 females completed a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire included personal data, eating habits and food intake frequency. The results showed that half of the subjects do not eat breakfast, one third reduced food intake for supper, and two thirds eat late night snack. More than 50% of subjects eat out; most subjects often choose fried food; 42% of subjects take vitamins and mineral supplements, but only 9.7% of subjects use continually. Only 20% of subjects drink milk daily, 43% of subjects eat fresh vegetables, and 17.5% of subjects take fruits daily. 76.9% of subjects eat staple food 1 or 2 times daily; 70.5% of subjects have high quality protein 1 or 2 times per day. Most cooking methods are fried, stir-fried or deep-fried. The results show that most evening school students have poor diet habit and nutrition quality, improvement is thus required.


student evening study diet habits food frequency


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