  • 期刊


A Study of The Effect of Death Education Program on Fear and Attitudes of Nursing Students Toward Death


本研究之目的在設計一門適合護專學生的死亡教育課程,並探討其對護專學生死亡恐懼與死亡態度的影響,及不同的教學方法對結果的影響。研究對象為台中縣弘光醫專二年制護理科一年級學生,配合學校實際環境,隨機抽取三班,分為兩組不同教學方式的實驗組和控制組。採準實驗研究法,以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析,對所得資料進行統計分析。本研究的主要發現如下:1.死亡教育課程能降低護專學生之死亡恐懼與增加正向死亡態度之成效,且在課程結束經臨床實習三個月後的追蹤測上仍能維持效果。2.兩種不同的死亡教育方式對降低死亡恐懼與死亡態度之影響有差別,以體驗組較演說組成效顯著且持久。3.死亡教育提供學生面對死亡與瀕死時自我覺察的機會, 但透過角色扮演,小組討論與分享,價值澄清活動是體驗組較演說組成效顯著的主要因素。




The main purpose of this study is: (1) to develep a death education program for two-credit Curriculum.(2) to Compare the effect of death education prograam on the nursing school students fear and attitudes toward death.(3) to assess the effect of death education program with different teaching methods. 173 Nursing Students were selected from 7 classes in a two-year program of Huang Kuang junion College of Nursing and Medical Technology in Tai-Chung. They were assigned into three groups, 60 subjects were in the Practical Experience Group, 59 subjects were in the Cognitive Group, and 54 subjects were in the Control Group respectively. Quasi-experimental design was applied. The data was analyzed by one way analysis of variance. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The death education program significantly reduced the nursing students' fear of death and increased the nursing students' positive attitudes of death, And the effect remained at the follow-up evaluation after threemonth clinical practice of the course. 2. Different teaching methods resulted in different effects on reducing fear of death and increasing positive attitudes of death. The Practical Experience Group had larger effect than the Cognitive Group. 3. Death education influenced the students' awarness of their death and dying. Having a combination of educational units with role playing; group discussion; feeling share, and value clarification activity, the PracticaorI Experience Group had more positive changes than the Cognitive Group.




洪麗琴(2008)。緩和療護方案(Palliative Care Program)介入對護理人員知識、態度與照護品質之成效〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2008.00081
