  • 期刊


"Morality" Makes Public Affair "Ungovernability"?: A Inspiration and Reflexion of Morality Policy Theory




The "ungovernability" Taiwan is facing, it may be resulting from politic commentators' leading style, but a more important cause could be moral policy in a post-modern society. However, the main stream of public opinion hasn't noticed that. Basically, academics in this island also did little research in this field. For explaining this ungovernability causing from moral value, this article would like to introduce a moral policy theory analysis and to provide another view point. First of all, this article introduces the scope of a moral policy and its empirical study results, and to explain the impacts of a moral policy issue to stockholders' attitude (behavior), policy operating model, and policy transition. And the impact further makes performance evaluation, accountability efficiency, and public participation becomes more difficult, and to reinforce the ungovernability of public issues. Secondly, the method of how the moral policy theory had announced to overcome the ungovernability is described. Finally, it is proposed that the moral policy theory research should combine with the research of theory of motivation, to provide a solution to ungovernability causing from moral policy.
