  • 期刊


The Implications of Singapore's IT Industry Manpower Polices to Taiwan's WorldSkills Competition Training


新加坡與我國經濟發展階段相近,同樣致力於資訊科技人力培育。回顧國際技能競賽(WorldSkills Competition),新加坡在資訊職類獲得成績最優(The Best of Best)殊榮。基於此,本研究探究其經濟發展政策及資訊人才培育計畫,以及國際技能競賽人才培訓制度,最後透過新加坡國際專家訪問,獲致新加坡對國際技能競賽的策略和執行方式,進而加以綜合分析,以作為我國之借鏡。本研究結果建議:(1)我國在國際技能競賽的發展,須開始著重資訊職類發展,因其在評分策略上屬於完全客觀評分,優勝和落選者可差距70分,若能優勝則有助於提升團隊整體積分;(2)重新考量選手培訓年齡與時間,以切合國際技能競賽時間,第一年培訓重點可於補強各分項技術能力,而第二年則全時間針對國際賽綜合演練;(3)行政配套措施可仿效新加坡做法,將國內賽分兩年進行,運用兩年培訓後再參賽,並將經費集中運用騰出相關預算當國手訓練生活費與訓練開支,使選手更無後顧之憂,全力衝刺競賽。


Singapore and Taiwan have the similar policy for information and technology talent development. In recent years, Singapore's information manpower development policy has been significant attention. On the other side, recalling the biennial event of the International WorldSkills Competition, Singapore also in the IT category got the "The Best of Best" reward that means the best talent in the IT categories. Based on the background, this study has indepth understanding of the country's IT Talent development policy, and further to explore their Worldskills Competition in the award-winning training background, training system and measures. After relevant literature reviewing and international scholars' interviewing, this study suggests: (1) we should begin to focus on IT category competition because its scoring is objectively and the score gap that affects competition total score from winner and loser was huge (about 70); (2) rethinking to trainees' age and training time in order to fit the time of Worldskills Competition. First year is suggested to enhance professional category training, and second year taking comprehensive training to align to Worldskills Competition; (3) for administrative supporting measures, we may follow the example of Singapore's approach to utilize twoyear training before competition and to centralize relevant budget as trainees' living and training expenses, making trainees more concentrate on training without any living expense concerned.
