  • 期刊


An evaluative study on the effectiveness of fine penalty and workshop for the third and fourth schedule drug users


有鑑於第三級毒品愷他命的日益氾濫,並為補足行政裁罰對第三、四級毒品施用者的成效研究之不足,本研究透過調查第三、四級毒品施用者的人口特性、施用與再施用等相關經驗,以了解其成效,並輔以問卷調查,分析第三、四級毒品施用者於參與講習前後之用藥態度及戒毒動機變化。此外,本研究亦透過三場專家座談,提供符合第三、四級毒品施用者處遇等相關建議。本研究在官方次級資料分析結果發現,新北市政府裁罰繳納率不到四分之一(23.1%),但在講習參與率上比例過半,且近四成出席達6小時;在問卷調查部分結果則顯示,受講習者的曾有抽菸經驗者(94.3%),比飲酒經驗者(88.7%) 的比例為高,顯見施用毒品者有合法物質濫用的高重疊性;另外值得注意的是,受講習成員經過講習後於三、四級毒品屬性認知表現具顯著進步。本研究建議,裁罰繳納率不佳,專家提出可考慮設計講習抵免制度。此外,新北市政府講習參與率雖過半,但仍有一半未能出席,建議繼續強化聯繫管道,提升志工資源。第三,建議修正毒品危害防制條例第11條之1,加入輔導措施之規範。第四,建置完整E化課程,節省資源同時將施用三、四級毒品者進行分流。最後,建議善用民間資源,提升三、四級毒品施用講習及醫療能量。


In view of the growing proliferation of third schedule drug Ketamine as well as to enhance the research on effects of administrative sanction on the third and fourth schedule drug users, this research conducted surveys on the user profiles, usage and relapse of third and fourth schedule drugs, hoping to better understand the effects. In addition, questionnaire surveys were conducted to analyze and compare drug use attitude and drug abstinence motivation of third and fourth schedule drug users before and after attending the workshop. Through three expert forums, the research also offered treatment recommendations on qualified users of third and fourth schedule drugs. According to the research results, the New Taipei City Government only received less than 1/4 (23.1%) of the imposed fine. More than 50% showed up at the workshop held by the New Taipei City Government, among which nearly 40% participated in the workshop for over 6 hours. According to the survey results, the proportion of those who had had the experience of smoking (94.3%) was higher than that of alcoholic experience (88.7%), indicating that the drug users had high overlap of legal substance abuse. In addition to that, workshop participants showed considerable improvement in the knowledge of third and fourth schedule drug properties. From the research we can see a high rate of unpaid penalty. Therefore, experts suggest to replace penalty with workshops. Also, despite the fact that the New Taipei City Government workshops received a high satisfaction rate and had over 50% participants, still half of the prospective participants failed to show up. A good solution might be to maintain closer contact and enhance volunteer resources. Besides, the research suggests making amendments on Article 11-1 of the Drug Control Act and including regulations on counseling measures. Furthermore, the research suggests setting up an integrated e-curriculum, which helps save resources while categorizing third and fourth schedule drug users. Lastly, the research suggests that the usage of comprehensive social resources so as to enhance the power of workshops and medical capacity of third and fourth schedule drug usage.
