  • 期刊


A Narrative Study on the Life of a Club Drug Abuser




The abuse of club drugs has been worsening recently. This kind of abuse may lead to more serious addiction and criminal problems. Club drug abuse is a complex issue associated with ill-adjusted conditions and with personal developmental issues. While many factors associated with club drug abuse have been explored, few studies have focused on the psychological mechanism of club drug abuse based on a life course perspective. To address this gap, a narrative study was conducted, grounded in constructivist research paradigm, to gain insight into the life of a club drug abuser through interviews. The interview scripts were analyzed by the author and a co-analyst, revealing five themes: (a) the participant "became alienated from family and developed peer connections instead," (b) he "started using drug out of curiosity while frequently wandering around the playground," (c) his initial motivation for drug abuse was to relieve suffering, (d) he sought help to reflect upon his behaviors and to distance himself from addictive substances and hard drugs, and (e) he became a more "rational" and discriminating user of substance, using it to maintain friendships. These themes not only identified multiple reasons driving the interviewee’s drug abuse but also uncovered key life events that were interwoven with drug abuse. In addition, the results of this study showed that the counseling would be effective for preventing the interviewee from usage of hard drugs; however, it was suggested that the efforts to help youth abstain from using club/soft drugs need improvements and enhance the management of playgrounds where youth become exposed to such drugs.


