  • 期刊


Preventing Police Drunk Driving from Rational Choice Perspectives


酒精濫用對使用者本身及對社會大眾的危害,甚至高於一般毒品濫用,尤其是酒後駕車行為嚴重威脅大眾交通安全,在全國強調「酒駕零容忍」下,警察機關除嚴正執法之外並嚴格查禁員警酒後駕車行為。因執法之特殊身分,大眾對員警的要求標準更高。本研究以Cornish 和Clarke二位學者1986年提出之「理性選擇理論」來探討員警酒後駕車的現象,以期能發掘有效之防制對策。理性選擇理論強調,犯罪行為決意係個人意志與環境因素互動結果之概念,本研究應用邏輯斯迴歸分析模型,分析某直轄市警察局2007至2015年間酒後駕車與酗酒列管之244名員警案件資料,再對同警察局有酒後駕車記錄員警及無紀錄但有飲酒經驗之一般員警共8名深入訪談,並邀請學者專家進行座談。最後以混合方法比較、歸納質化與量化分析結果。在深入訪談與焦點座談分析中發現,員警酒後駕車或不駕車的選擇,均依照個人在成本、效益比較與風險考量後決意,均是其理性選擇的結果,而除了個人特性外,當下情境狀況也對於行為決意過程中扮演重要的關鍵。而依據理性選擇理論概念設計的量化分析結果,亦顯示情境構面的重要性,差異性顯著的變項,亦與質化分析結果互相印證。然而現行警政機關的防制措施,多著重在懲處與連坐的威嚇主義,並以「人」為管理的重心。未來所屬機關如能以情境犯罪預防的概念填補「懲罰預防模式」措施的不足,在可能酒駕的不同階段,設計預防性的管理機制,更能擴大防制效果。


Alcohol abuse causes greater harm to the general public than other forms of drug abuse. Driving while impaired (DWI) or driving under influence (DUI) has been a key focus of societal attention due to its threat to public safety. As such, the government in Taiwan has implemented the "zero tolerance" policy against DUI/ DWI, with a special emphasis on cracking down on police drunk driving. This study applies the "rational choice theory" framework proposed by Cornish and Clarke in 1986 and identifies effective countermeasures in preventing police drunk driving. The rational choice theory argues that human beings make their decisions from weighing the risks and benefits based on their bounded rationality. The availability of the situational opportunities also helps determine the occurrence of deviance behaviors. In the current study, the logistic regression model was applied to identify the effects of relevant risk and protective factors in predicting drunk driving of 244 police officers from 2007-2015. To better understand the underlying etiology of the behavior, eight officers were invited to participate in subsequent in-depth interviews. Moreover, scholars and experts were invited to participate in a focus group discussing effective countermeasures preventing police drunk driving. The results from quantitative analysis corroborate with the findings derived from the interviews and focus group. Specifically, rational choice model does help explain police drunk driving. Additionally, situational factors also play an important role in predicting police involvement in drunk driving. As such, it is important to design preventative strategies following the situational crime prevention principles to reduce the opportunities for drunk driving rather than following a strictly punitive approach.
