  • 期刊


Exploring the Implementation of Family Skills Training Programmes for Drug Use Prevention in Taiwan Communities


為建立適用於我國之家庭技巧訓練方案,本研究依據聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室(UNODC)所提出之「吸毒預防家庭技巧訓練方案實施指南」中之12項基本原則與薩提爾模式之冰山概念進行方案設計、研擬評估標準。本研究也以UNODC定義之選擇性家庭(selective family)為對象,委外進行方案教材設計、專業工作者培訓與方案團體試行。在研究方法上,則以質性方法論設計為主,邀請實務及學術工作者進行焦點團體訪談,對於不同實施階段提供意見。在方案團體試行時,則透過第三方觀察進行成效評估。本研究認為,在方案規劃上,應融入優勢觀點及去標籤化原則,並降低方案實施的專業門檻;在教材的設計上,需與預防藥物濫用之目標連結,其中包含接近家庭生活經驗及運用多元媒材;在專業人員的培訓上,則應訂定學員的考核機制及評選標準;在招募服務對象上,則應以存在改變動機,且有用藥導向風險之家庭為主;在維繫服務對象上,則應降低參與門檻,同時提升參與方案之誘因;在成效監測與評估上,應以質性研究設計為主,深入探討家庭與方案團體之情境脈絡,進而蒐集研究資料。整體而言,本研究提出以下建議:(一)應規劃團體成員持續參與之誘因。(二)應建立補課機制。(三)應提供團體帶領者必要資源與協助。(四)應增加親子互動課程,實際操作所習得之家庭技巧。(五)應建立追蹤機制。(六)應協助媒合輔導資源。(七)應建立家庭顧問之服務串聯機制。


This research follows UNODC's 12 basic principles from “Guide to implementing family skills training programmes for drug abuse prevention.” The goal is to improve family functions and reduce chances of adolescents contacting illegal drugs. This research lays down of UNODC's selective family as research objects. Outsourcing program material design, cultivate talents, and group experiment; supplementing by focus group and in-depth interview to adjust research direction. Research methods use qualitative questionnaires and third-party observations for program evaluation. Our results showed that program planning should include advantage perspective and follow the de-labeling principle, to reduce program professional threshold. Material designing should connect with the goal of drug use prevention, included family life experience or various media materials. Cultivating professionals should set the performance evaluation and the selection standard. Recruiting participants should allow motivation change, focus on the family with potential drug use risk. Maintaining participants wise should lower participate threshold, also increase participate incentive. Effectiveness evaluation should focus on qualitative research design, in-depth discuss the connection between family and group performance. Overall, few patricidal suggestions concluded as the following: a. Creating incentives for continued participation of group members. b. Establishment of make-up program. c. Providing group leaders with necessary resources and assistance. d. Increasing interactive courses to allow participants to practice family skills. e. Setting up a monitoring mechanism. f. Matching service users with available resources for counseling. g. Establishment of family consultant system.
