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On the Bodhisattvas' Characteristics of the First and the Second Stages in the "Shidipin" in the Huayanjingshu




澄觀 十地品 障道法 精勤修行 波羅蜜


Chengguan classifies the main idea of "Shidipin" into the general introduction and the specific introduction. In the ten meanings of the latter introduction, the ninth one is about "reside," that is, "ten stages resides in vehicles (yānas)." Huayan School applies ten stages of bodhisattvas to reside in three vehicle in order to discriminate their levels: Vehicle for Human Being and Deva (manuṣya-yāna and deva-yāna) in the realm of desire (kāmāvacara), Three Vehicles for Śrāvaka, Pratyeka-Buddha, and Bodhisattva (śrāvakayāna, pratyeka-buddhayāna, and bodhisattvayāna) in the supramundane (lokottara), and One Vehicle (eka-yāna) which transcends the supramundane. In other words, the bodhisattvas' characteristics of ten stages is to introduce bodhisattvas' practice before becoming buddhas. The first stage to the third one resides in the realm of desire, Vehicle for Human Being and Deva. The fourth one to the seventh resides in the supramundane, Three Vehicles for Śrāvaka, Pratyeka-Buddha, and Bodhisattva. The eighth and the above reside where transcends the supramundane, One Vehicle. Among these, the first Stage resides in Vehicle for Human Beings and the second one resides in Vehicle for Devas in the realm of desire. This study aims to explore the Bodhisattvas' characteristics of the first and the second stages in the "Shidipin" in the Huayanjingshu as the following three points. Firstly, being distant from obstructions (āvaraṇa). Bodhisattvas should be distant from five fears and ten evil deeds. Because they obstruct bodhisattvas to enter into the second stage, bodhisattvas should keep away from them. Secondly, illustrating diligent practice. Bodhisattvas of the first stage should diligently practice ten profound vows and the second one should diligently practice ten good deeds. Because bodhisattvas have experienced the required mental condition before entering and dwelling in the stage, they have to practice diligently in order to attain enlightenment as Buddha. Finally, discussing about completing pāramitā. Bodhisattvas in the first stage completes dāna-pāramitā and those in the second stage completes śīlapāramitā. Though bodhisattvas in every stage can practice all the ten pāramitās, bodhisattvas in every stage have to complete one specific pāramitā and do their best to practice the other nine ones. In the second stage (vimalā bhūmi), although the practice is classified as being away from ten evil deeds, diligently practicing ten good deeds, and completing śīla-pāramitā, what is discussed here includes three cumulative pure precepts (tri vidhāni śīlāni), i.e., the precept of regulating behaviour (saṃvara śīla), the precept of doing goodness (kuśala dharma saṃgrāhaka śīla), and the precept of saving the sentient beings (sattvārtha kriyā śīla). These are all about precepts, so the second stage is taken as what represents Huayan School's views of precepts.


《十地經論》,《大正藏》冊26,第1522 號,東京:大藏經刊行會
《十地經論義記》,《卍新纂續藏》冊45,第753 號,東京:國書刊行會
《大方廣佛華嚴經》,《大正藏》冊9,第278 號,東京:大藏經刊行會


