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Discussing the Principle of How the Tiantai Patriarch Established Repentance Rituals Based on the Doctrine of One-Mind (Yixin): Taking Lotus Samādhi Penitence Rituals as an Example




一心 法華三昧 懺法 中道實相 觀心


The dharma-gate of worship and repentance (禮懺法門), which originated in Jin Dynasty, is a feature of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. However, the discipline spirit of Chinese Mahayana repentance dharma had not been fully developed until the Tiantai Patriarch, Master Zhiyi, in the Sui Dynasty laid down the Lotus Samādhi Penitence Rituals ( 《法華三昧懺儀》) and established a ritual model and theoretical basis of the Tiantai repentance dharma (天台懺法). Based on the Tiantai Zhiguan (止觀) ideology, the Lotus Samādhi Penitence Rituals is a gateway to observing one's mind. Practicing repentance not only helps one eliminate karma, but also helps one cultivate Samādhi, attain wisdom and approach the original nature and wondrous principle of Mahayana middle way. Buddhism is characterized by the awakening to the reality, and aims at the whereabouts of one's life and the entrustment of one's spirit. According to the various theories and gateways to Buddhist teachings in the Lotus Sutra, Master Zhiyi established wondrous principles and the meditation practice of the Tiantai One-Mind (Yixin) discipline and wrote down the Lotus Samādhi Penitence Rituals personally to lead practitioners to practice mentally and physically in line with the actual repentance (事懺) so as to enter the gate of contemplation of principle (理觀). All the rites in the Lotus Samādhi Penitence Rituals incorporate the mind-observing methods of ideal repentance (理懺), all of which require one to practice one mind. The key point of practicing repentance is to unite one's thoughts so one can be actually benefitted by the repentance dharma. Moreover, the practitioners should act in the right way all the time. If secular ideas are generated, they cannot unite their three karmas (word, thought and deed), nor can they focus on their repentance practice. Nowadays, the reason why Chinese Buddhism has gradually lost the spirit of its repentance rituals is that repentance through activities is considered as the major ritual, while repentance through principle is almost ignored. If the essence of practicing observing the mind is removed, repentance rituals will gradually become ritualized and formalized. What's worse, some people may even regard it as a way of pursuing mundane benefits, which departs from the patriarch's original purpose of practicing repentance. Master Zunshi (遵式) stated in the "Fahua sanmei chanyi kanding yuanben xu"(〈《法華三昧懺 儀》勘定元本序〉) that contemplation of principle takes the priority in the ten rites; if one rite (particularly the contemplation of principle) is practiced wrongly, practicing the other nine will be useless. If one only exercises one's mind according to individual phenomena instead of observing wisdom, their mistakes will probably destroy the Buddha's teachings, people's dharma body and spiritual body. Therefore, if one wants to return to the original nature of repentance dharma, one should bear in mind the patriarch's efforts made towards repentance writing and practice repentance accordingly. Only in this way can Chinese Mahayana Buddhism acquire back its due functions of teaching people to have the correct understanding and the right view. Based on the Lotus Samādhi Penitence Rituals, this paper demonstrates the spirit of the Tiantai Patriarch's repentance rituals, and hopefully promotes the practice of clear observation of Chinese Mahayana repentance dharma.

