  • 期刊


Aging: Speculation on Body, Mind, and Soul


本文主要是以一個人的身心靈相互關係及其狀態,來思考老年人或老化的議題,尤其是老年人的身體思維與精神方向。從人的「身心靈相互關係的消長」觀點來探討當代的老化議題,是作者的原創性理 論之初探。本文並非處理哲學上的「身靈關係」的爭議,也不是處理肉體與靈魂關係的形上學理論, 而是透過身、心、靈彼此交互作用之需求性與重要性,來討論老年人面對老化問題或困擾時,所應採取的德行涵養之生活態度與追求生命意義的精神方向。從本文的論述,我們可以知道,人到了老年時,面對自我的老化現象及其老化過程,應該以「成功老化」或「活躍老化」作為努力的目標,盡量力求身、心、靈的平衡發展,以達到身體健康、心理快樂、靈性解脫自在的新境界,當然,越是老化越是要追求靈性的成長,過著屬靈的生活,增加可幫助自我心靈成長與精神健康的社交活動或宗教活動,這可以運用生命回顧與靈性支持的方法。


This paper aims at discussing issues related to senior people or aging problems based on triangulation of body, mind, and soul within an individual, especially the physical and spiritual approaches. We do not intend to resolve the philosophical contention on body-soul relation nor the theory of metaphysics; instead, we discuss the attitudes towards virtue of life and pursuit of meaningfulness in the guidance of spiritual needs when one is facing or troubled by aging problems through the needs and requirement in the interaction among body, mind, and soul. On the account to the discussion, we know that people ought to strive for "successful aging" or "active aging" in the process of facing aging and getting aged, meanwhile, it is also important in an attempt to achieve equilibrium in development of body, mind, soul in order to obtain bodily healthy, mentally happiness, spiritual liberation in a new self-free frontier. Obviously, aging process is in accompany with the spiritual growth and spiritual life, which is a way in supporting individual spirituality and retrospect to one's life for example becoming active in participating in social network and seeking self-spirituality and mentality of health.


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