  • 期刊


Predict Study among Higher Graders Physical Activity Enjoyment in Elementary School


本研究之目的為探討國小高年級學童成就目標及運動樂趣間的關係。採立意取樣,選取北、中、南學校之國小高年級學童為受試者,並以問卷調查進行資料蒐集,總計發放1100份問卷,回收有效問卷計635份,有效回收率57.8%,其中男生334名,女生301名,共635名。本研究所使用的測量工具為運動目標取向量表、2×2兒童健身運動動機氣候量表、自覺能力量表及運動樂趣量表等。資料統計方法為階層迴歸分析(Hierarchical Regression Analysis)。結果發現在運動目標取向、運動動機氣候及自覺能力皆可有效預測運動樂趣,其中又以自覺能力的預測較高。結論:高自覺能力者可享受較高的運動樂趣,而低自覺能力者則否。因此,體育教師應努力培育兒童之自覺能力。


This research mainly discover the relationship between higher graders achievement goals and physical activities of enjoyment. This research mainly gives purposive sampling questionnaire to students from northern, middle and southern parts of 5^(th) and 6^(th) graders in primary school. This research gives one thousand and a hundred questionnaires. Overall response rates are six hundred and thirty five; the rate for valid questionnaires goes to 57.8%. Also, it includes three hundred and thirty four boys and three hundred and thirty one girls. This research mainly use goal orientations in sport scale, 2×2 motivational climate scale for children exercise, perceived competence scale and physical activity enjoyment scale as research tools. This research has been used Hierarchical Regression Analysis as data analysis. This study can clearly predict physical activity enjoyment in goal orientations in sport scale, Climate Scale for Children Exercise and perceived competence scale. Conclusion: To sum up, students who have higher perceived competence can enjoy higher physical activity enjoyment, and lowers can't. Therefore, physical education teachers should foster children's physical activity enjoyment.
