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A study on the influence of job characteristics, emotional labor and job satisfaction on organizational commitment



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The study was aimed to explore the correlation among Job Characteristics, Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. The study adopted questionnaire survey to make an investigation on the S bank's clerk. 345 questionnaires were distributed and resulted in 312 valid responses. The data was analyzed by methods including independent sample t test, ANOYA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The result of the study is that Job Characteristics, Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment show remarkable positive correlation in between. The Job Satisfaction had only the partial mediation effect on the relationship between Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment. The Emotional Labor had only the partial mediation effect on the relationship between Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment. The Job Satisfaction had only the complete mediation effect on the relationship between Emotional Labor and Organizational Commitment.
