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The Rise of the Peasant Rentier Class in Urbanizing China: The Transition Path and Welfare Policy of Urban Villages in Wenzhou and Wuxi



本文主要探索在中國都市化過程中「城中村」的發展與「農民收租階級」的興起。本文建立在以租金為基礎的階級概念(rent-based classconcept)上,建構「農民收租階級」理論,並從農村集體產權與戶籍制度出發,強調農民收租階級意識與階級利益不僅被農村集體產權所形塑,更被戶籍制度所增強,階級間的分配衝突也因此而衍生。本文分析並比較浙江溫州與江蘇無錫城中村轉型的相對停滯與成功,農民收租階級集體抗爭強弱的差異,以及兩地所採取不同的福利政策。本文從制度論出發,認為鄉鎮原有治理結構的延伸或斷裂,以及地方治理的務實傳統,解釋溫州與無錫都市化發展以及城鄉福利銜接的不同。本文強調雖然中國市場經濟轉型始於農業去集體化,但都市擴張中城中村與農民收租階級的興起,是社會主義再集體化的表徵。


This article presents a rent-based class thesis to explain the emergence of urban villages and the rise of peasant rentiers during China's urbanization process. It argues that rentiers' class consciousness and interests are not only shaped by rural collective property rights, but also enhanced by household registration. This article explains the divergent paths toward urban transition and welfare coverage, as well as differences in the rentier class's collective protests in Wenzhou and Wuxi. It argues that effective supervision in local governance and frequent local-state interventions account for much of the variation in urban transition between Wenzhou and Wuxi. It also stresses that despite decollectivization central to China's market transition, the rise of urban villages and the rentier class represents re-collectivization in China's urbanization.


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