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Bring Disease Back In? Exploring Modes of Disease Objectification in Patients' Practices





Medical sociologists have developed various paradigms for the social analysis of illness. Critics highlight that the sociology of illness reduces disease into social categories and ignores the specificity of diseases, clinical indexes, and practical norms and call for a sociology of disease. This paper critically follows the initiative without following the divide and convergence between disease and illness and bringing only disease back in. Drawing from practical ontology and studies of objectification practices, especially those of boundary and multiple disease objects, from science, technology, and society studies, this paper explores the multiple disease objects and modes of objectification symmetrically. By examining kidney patients' multiple medical practices that interfere with each other, this study shows that we cannot bring the biomedical chronical kidney disease back in without taking multiple disease objects and modes of objectification into account. The conclusion examines the agenda of this approach, with a reflection on the specificity of existing theoretical tools, and proposes a sociology that faces multiple medical practices in a specific medico-social context.


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