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Corporality and Boundary-work: Museum Exhibitions of Real Human Bodies in Taiwan


身體,作為存在的基礎,一向是各種知識體系形構的對象。其中,最主要的知識體之一即是醫學。現代解剖醫學,試圖告訴我們人體內部的真相。人體的可視化,更是現代醫學取得重要知識進展不可或缺的條件。人體的取得與保存,使得醫學教育場域有其可能性。再者,傳統的健康教育,透過人體教學模型或解剖圖像等媒介之助,傳播於學校、大眾媒體與博物館中。當醫學院中供醫學教育的真實人體走出嚴肅的學術殿堂,以公眾之名,跨入博物館大眾觀視之眼,顯然,關於人體知識的大眾理解視域,有可能開始轉變。近年來,一個以真實人體為媒介的展示在世界各地巡迴展佈。數年前,一場人體展示在北高兩地的公立科學博物館分別展出,各個博物館與不同的合作單位同時引發人體來源合法性與道德的爭議。人體展策展單位亦曾試圖進入國立自然科學博物館,最後並未能展出。2011 年,同樣的真實人體展示再度引進臺北的科學博物館中。不同的博物館對於特定展示,往往有其管理、知識與道德上的考量。什麼是適合的展示?在在挑戰博物館自身定義的疆界。展示與否或者如何展示之論述,亦透顯出一博物館自身組織與學術機構、公司團體之間多重觀點與利益的協商或衝突。我們將透過該展示的研究文獻分析,並訪談相關的博物館與合作機構的策劃人,以及參觀者的認知經驗描述,考掘此種展示的社會劃界與分類的機制。藉由發掘此一展示在不同博物館經歷的殊異社會過程,本研究將分析社會劃界(boundary work) 如何在博物館中運作及其後果為何。


人體世界 博物館 劃界


The human body is basically a knowledge system and the acquisition and preservation of human bodies has made the field of medical education possible. When real human bodies go out from serious academic institutions to be viewed by museum audiences, the public horizons of body knowledge may be gradually expanded. In recent years, "Body Worlds" anatomical exhibitions of real human bodies have traveled the world including Taiwan. "Body Worlds" exhibitions appeared in national science museums in Taipei and Kaohsiung. Issues concerning the validity of the body sources and moral disputes surrounding the use of human bodies for public exhibitions arose in museums holding or considering holding such exhibitions in cooperation with different organizations. The "Body Worlds" exhibition planning team approached the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung about the possibility of opening an exhibition in that facility, but was turned down, while the same exhibition appeared again at the National Taiwan Science Education Center in 2011. Each museum takes into consideration factors such as management, knowledge and morality when planning a new exhibition. What is a suitable exhibition? This question often redefines the museum boundary. The decision-making process regarding exhibitions reveals the multiple viewpoints among museums, academic institutes and companies. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate how boundary-work operates in museums by exploring the social process of exhibitions of real human bodies.


Body Worlds museum boundary-work


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Dijck, José van(2005).The Transparent Body: A Cultural Analysis of Medical Imaging.Seattle, WA:University of Washington Press.
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