  • 會議論文


From the product "Planned obsolescence" on the environment "sustainable development."


20世紀美國「資本主義」的發展,促使「大量化生產」來滿足人們的消費慾望需求。主因在於現代社會為追求更美好更舒適的生活,而生產出各式各樣的產品。包括有因循傳統的原創商品,亦有創新思維的新商品。這些產品會隨著時間的推衍與技術進步,價格可能愈來愈便宜,或是功能愈來愈多;看來似乎對消費者而言是個福音,但其實背後卻潛藏著一個資本家所設下的陷阱,就是產品「計劃性拋棄」(Planned obsolescence)。這是一種不因產品的損壞或堪用問題,而導致消費者更新產品來滿足心理層次需求的生產方式。「計劃性拋棄」雖然提供了更多就業機會,但也產生了地球資源的浪費現象。本研究透過文獻分析法來討論「計畫性拋棄」對人類之永續發展的利與弊。從正面來看,增加了就業機會、產品創新與進步及刺激經濟的發展。從反面來思考,過量的消費及奢侈品帶來環境汙染、原物料短缺及個人經濟負擔而產生的社會問題。「生態設計」(綠色設計)或「非物質性設計」的思考面向,或許可以減少環境衝擊,同時維持經濟發展的可能性。


In the 20th century, the development of Capitalism of United States employs "Mass production" to satisfy the demand of folks from the consumption desire. The main reason comes from the need of variety merchandise-the goods compensates the modern society pursuit of better life. Not only from the traditions but also from the novel thinking are those products. That those new items are ameliorated by the advancements of technology results the decrease of price or more functions. It seems be a bliss for consumers. However, the purpose behind it is that the capitalists apply the tactic "Planned Obsolescence" to maneuver for the great deal of profit. Under this business strategy, the consumers could therefore solve an array of problems, such as the broken products or the outdated products by simply having replaced their items. Althoug Planned Obsolescence creates nuch more job opportunities, it produces the waste of Earth as well. The study discusses the shockwave from Planned Obsolescence to the sustainability development of Human through the analysis from myriad dissertations. In the positive side, the adding of the job opportunity, the novel of the products, and the progress of the technology can stimulate the economic development. In the negative side, the excess from the consumption also bring the pollutions of the environment, the shortage of the raw material, and the social issue from the financial burden of individual.
