  • 期刊


From Luz to Bethel: The Narrative Strategy, Historical Memory and Theological Concept under a Place-Renaming Story in Genesis 28:10-22




Genesis 28:10-22 remains one of the most disputed texts in biblical studies. However, the narrative dynamics of renaming Bethel under a toponymic story has not been fully acknowledged yet. This article focuses on how the Canaanite town "Luz" becomes the Israelite city of "Bethel" in Genesis 28:10-22. After exploring the narrative strategy and narrative purpose of the Bethel renaming story in redactional context, and revealing how the memory of Luz reemerges under different social situations in the books of Joshua and Judges, this article argues that the redactional gloss in Genesis 28:19b plays a significant role in coordinating different toponymic traditions and historical memories onto that piece of land. Meanwhile, the act of converting Canaanite land into the Promised Land should be seen as an integral part of the Israelite identity construction during the process of redaction in the post-exilic social context.


Luz Bethel Renaming Historical Memory The Promised Land
