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Analyses of Traditional Ideologies and De-construct Qualities in Taiwanese Pop Culture: TV Show, "Thih-sai Giók-lêng-lông"


90 年代以來,在台灣以台語創作、製作的作品及娛樂節目,由於政治解放、市場擴大而日漸增多,並成為流行文化中令人注意的一環。其中,有不少台語文化產品取材於傳統,也因而沿襲由傳統挾帶而來的意識型態(ideology)。不過也有部分作品反映出當代民主化、本土化的潮流,甚至兼具後結構主義(post-structuralism)解構的特質。本文試圖以馬克斯學派(Marxism)的「意識型態」理論為基礎,以台語電視節目「鐵獅玉玲瓏」為例,來討論傳統素材如何被解構,進而以新面貌呈現於流行文化當中,以及民主化、本土化的精神如何反映於流行文化。此外,一般民眾看電視的風氣相當普遍,長期接受視聽節目的洗禮。因此,媒體所傳送的訊息及其背後所隱含的意識型態,可能對整個社會造成相當大的影響。探討這些訊息及其背後所反映的心態,也是本文所關切的另一重點。傳統雖然是現階段流行文化發掘題材的重要來源,不過在應用時,必須思索其合宜性。另一方面,民主化、本土化的結果使得台語流行節目呈現更多樣,更廣闊的面貌,並具備後結構主義,去中心,去權威等解構的特質。可見文化的發展與政治、社會的發展齊頭並進,相互影響。


意識型態 民主化 本土化 解構 流行文化 傳統


With political liberation and market expansion, literary works and performances in Taiwanese have been booming since the '90s, marking a most distinguished arena of Taiwan's pop culture. Lots of them borrow traditional materials and unavoidably pass on outdated ideologies, while others assert democratization and naturalization, sounding spirits of the era. Based on Marxists' theories of ideology, this article traces traditional mentalities that reincarnate themselves in Taiwan's pop culture and how democratization and naturalization, originally belonging to the political discourse, stimulate contemporary cultural products. Tradition functions at this stage as a major inspiration for Taiwan's pop culture; nevertheless, it contains inappropriate elements and should be used cautiously. On the other hand, democratization brings forth diversities in pop culture, which also contributes to its de-construct aura and manifests political developments and cultural movements interact indeed with one another.
