  • 期刊


Changes of Arterial Oxygen Tension in Supine Position during One-Lung Anesthesia


背景:單肺麻醉術(one-lung anesthesia)之應用,主要是用雙腔支氣管內管(double-lumen endobronchial tube)分隔兩肺,除可防止病變肺的感染物或血液進入好的肺,尚可提供不受干擾的手術空間,與清晰的手術視野,過去是採側位下進行,效果良好。近來治療手汗症(hyperhidrosis palmaris)之手術改用平躺(仰位)姿勢,以內視鏡方法進行,亦以單肺換氣輔助手術進行。此種仰位單肺麻醉術中,其血動力學變化及動脈血氧之改變,過去之研究報告,僅限於血氧飽和濃度而無血氧分析之資料,本研究即配合血氧飽和濃度與血氣分析作一探討。方法:我們收集42位接受胸腔鏡交感神經燒灼術的病人,使用雙腔支氣管內管進行全身麻醉,病人於麻醉過程中,分別在雙肺通氣,左及右側單肺通氣時,抽取動脈作血液氣體分析之資料。結果:雙肺通氣(50% N_2O-O_2)五分鐘後之PaO_2值為256±59 mmHg;以左側單肺通氣(100% O_2)五分鐘後,PaO_2值為126±47 mmHg;以右側單肺通氣(100%O_2)五分鐘後,PaO_2值為93 ± 42 mmHg;手術結束後恢復雙肺通氣(100%O_2)五分鐘後,PaO_2值為450±73mmHg。其中右或左單肺通氣之PaO_2值都低於手術前之雙肺通氣PaO_2值(p<0.05)。右側單肺通氣之PaO_2值也明顯的低於左側單肺通氣之值(p<0.05)。結論:在無肺部疾病的患者,於平躺姿勢下以純氧吸入行單肺麻醉時,PaO_2值仍然可維持在安全值。


Background: One-lung ventilation during anesthesia (one-lung anesthesia) in patients under lateral decubitus position to help performing intra-thoracic surgical procedures was well known to have larger alveolar-to-arterial oxygen tension difference and lower arterial oxygen tension (PaO_2) as compared to two-lung ventilation. In the present study, we investigate the changes of arterial oxygen tension in the supine position during one-lung anesthesia. Methods: Forty-two patients of palmar hyperhidrosis, ASA class I-II, scheduled to receive bilateral transthoracic endoscopic sympathectomy were studied. After anesthetic induction (fentanyl, thiopental, and succinylcholine), a 35 (for female) or 37 (for male) French left-sided Robertshaw double-lumen endobronchial tube was intubated. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane 1.0-1.5% and 50% O_2-N_2O. They were changed to isoflurane 1.5-2.0% and 100% O_2 during one-lung ventilation. Once the surgical operation is completed, they were changed to 100% O_2 and two-lung ventilation. Arterial blood gases were measured at 4 phases: 5 min after endobronchial intubation (two-lung ventilation), 5 min after left one-lung ventilation, 5 min after right one-lung ventilation, and 5 min after accomplishing operation (two-lung ventilation). Results: The results showed PaO_2 were significantly lower in left and right one-lung ventilation with 100% O_2 as compard with that obtained from two-lung ventilation with 50% O_2 5 min after endobronchial intubation (p < 0.05). Furthermore, right one-lung ventilation had a lower PaO_2 than left one-lung ventilation (p < 0.05). Conclusions: We conclude that arterial oxygen tension can be safely maintained during one-lung anesthesia with pure oxygen in healthy patients lying in a supine position.
