  • 期刊


A Study on Dietrich Benner's Reform Pedagogy




This study explored the thinking background and major contents of Benner's reform pedagogy and analyzed its advantages, disadvantages, and significant implications through the methodology of educational hermeneutics. Dietrich Benner was deeply influenced by the thinking of various ideologists including Rousseau's pedagogy, Kant's criticism, Herbart's general pedagogy, Humboldt's linguistic philosophy, Hegel's dialectics, Schleiermacher's educational theories, Fink's existential phenomenology, Derbolav's praxeology, and Kuhn's philosophy of science. His research focused on the correlation between the reform pedagogy and the traditional pedagogy, and between pedagogy and political science, as well as the style of history-writing for the reform pedagogy, the development of modern pedagogy in Germany, the reform and educational experiment in national schools in Allied-occupied and West Germany, etc. His research has contributed to the expanded study of reform pedagogy, facilitated changes in its writing style, clarified its core relations, enriched its contents, and highlighted the advantages and shortcomings of this initiative. Benner's reform pedagogy is not without its defeces, but it offers worthwhile information in terms of both academic research and educational practice, when we endeavor to construct theories or design activities for educational reform in Taiwan.


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Benner, D.(1986).Die Pädagogik Herbarts.München, Deutschland:Juventa Verlag.
Benner, D.(1987).Allgemiene Pädagogik.München, Deutschland:Juventa Verlag.

