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Evaluation of two essential oils on mycelial inhibition of fungal pathogens and control of gray mold in strawberry in Taiwan




精油 柚子 檸檬桉 防治


Two essential oils extracted from pomelo (Citrus maxima) and lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) were evaluated their inhibitory effects on mycelial growth of 8 plant fungal pathogens. The fumigation test showed that the pomelo essential oils (PEO) without dilution had best inhibitory ability to mycelial growth of Botrytis cinerea by 92.7% for isolate GBS3-93 and by 100% for isolate GBS1-104, whereas mycelial growth of Penicillium digitatum isolate Cmep1-3 was induced. The lemon eucalyptus essential oil (LEEO) with 10-fold dilution could inhibit mycelial growth of all fungal pathogens by 96.6~100.0%. In PDA medium added with essential oil test, 100-fold dilution PEO showed the best growth inhibition by 81.1% for isolate GBS3-93, by 89.8% for isolate GBS1-104 and by 73.4% for Colletotrichum higginsianum isolate PA01, respectively, while mycelial growth of Cmep1-3 was induced. All of fungal pathogens were inhibited by 1,000-fold dilution LEEO. In spore germination test, the 50-fold dilution PEO could inhibit 5 fungal pathogens more than 92.6% and induce spore germination of Cmep1-3 more than 65.4%; meanwhile, LEEO could inhibit the germination more than 80.1% under 500-fold dilution. Spraying PEO and LEEO at 1 hr after B. cinereal pathogen inoculation in a greenhouse showed significantly control efficacy compared with pathogen inoculation only. The GC-MS analyses demonstrated that major compounds were limonene (96.27%) for PEO and citronellal (43.139%) and citronellol (17.06%) for LEEO, respectively.


essential oil pomelo lemon eucalyptus control
