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The Learning Effectiveness of "Alternatively Interactive Whiteboard" Integrate into Junior High School Biology Teaching: An Example of the Cell Unit


近年來,具有互動功能的互動性媒體日益發展,其中強調互動的互動式電子白板(Interactive Whiteboard, IWB)逐漸的成為資訊融入教育的媒體新寵,但受限於數量以及價格之因素,在臺灣仍無法普及;而本研究擬以價格較IWB便宜之互動性媒體-「觸控顯示手寫板」,針對國中學生學習有困難之「細胞」單元設計教材並進行教學,採準實驗研究設計,評估此種替代IWB之互動性媒體於教學上之效益。樣本選取中部地區國中學生共197人為受試對象,分為「觸控顯示手寫板教學實驗組」、「PPT教學對照組」、「傳統教學對照組」,先進行國中生物細胞單元學習成就測驗以及學習動機量表的前測,3週的細胞單元教學後進行國中生物細胞單元學習成就測驗以及學習動機量表的後測,並進行實驗組學生的學習感受問卷調查。研究結果發現,雖然學習動機方面,男學生顯著高於女學生,但實驗組與對照組進行教學後,學習成就皆有顯著提升,而男學生在觸控顯示手寫板實驗組中有較好的學習成就。在感受方面,學生表現了正向的感受,因此在科技發展、設備擴充前,觸控顯示手寫板不失為一互動性媒體的選擇。


Recently, the interaction mediums are well developed. Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) is one of interaction medium and it emphasize in the interaction between students and teachers. As the result, IWB becomes a new technique using in education; however, it can not available to all because of its price and quantity in Taiwan. Alternatively Interaction Whiteboard is one kind of interaction media and it is cheaper the most IWB; hence, to evaluate the benefit of Alternatively Interaction Whiteboard using in education, a quasi-experiment is designed with "cell" unit and Alternatively Interactive Whiteboard is used in class. 197 students from midland of Taiwan are choose as samples. They are classifying into three groups as follow: Alternatively Interactive Whiteboard teaching group, PPT teaching group and traditional teaching group, whereas PPT teaching and traditional teaching are controls. In the beginning, students have already completed the pre-test of learning achievement and motivation questionnaire. After three weeks for teaching students, they have taken the post test of achievement and motivation questionnaire. In addition, the perception questionnaire had collected from experiment group. To understand their learning perception, interviews are also taken with students The results indicate that both experimental group and control group significantly improve learning achievement after teaching, but male students had better achievement in experiment group. In motivation, male students had statistical difference to female students, and in perception, students had positive perception in class. Hence, Alternatively Interaction Whiteboard might be a choice when the schools need to purchase some interaction mediums products.


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