  • 期刊


Research on the Contributions of Kaohsiung's Cloister of the Dao and Its Virtues(Gaoxiong Daodeyuan 高雄道德院)to Push Forward Taiwan's Daoist Education and Academic Research




Early religious activities of Daoist temples in Taiwan gave precedence to conducting various ritual assemblies(fahui 法會), religious rites, or philanthropic relief, and very rarely came in contact or interacted with academic circles, let alone host academic conferences. Kaohsiung's Cloister of the Dao and Its Virtues is a Daoist temple that stresses propagating the Dao and spreading its teachings (chuandao bujiao 傳道佈教). Thus, beginning in the 1990s, under the leadership of director Weng Taiming(翁太明), the temple has continued to push forward Daoist education. Over the long term, they have cultivated proselytizers within their teaching circle to spread the Dao. In addition, the organization actively participates in hosting(or assisting)academic conferences on Daoism all year round, subsidizing conference expenses. Of all the various conferences sponsored by the temple, the most distinguished is the Conference on Religion and Reform of the Spirit(Zongjiao yu xinling gaige yantaohui 宗教與心靈改革研討會). From 1997 to 2013, they held the conference on sixteen occasions, chiefly to encourage the presentation of Daoist research papers by master’s and doctoral students. At present, a number of Taiwan’s new generation of Daoist scholars have already learned through experience and developed at this conference. In examining the particularities of the temple, this paper’s divides the discussion in three sections: Daoist education, the various academic events [the temple] has hosted or supported, and the establishment of the Conference on Religion and Reform of the Spirit. The article attends to untangling matters regarding Director Weng Taiming’s reasons, targets, goals, and methods in initiating [the various activities], while it also analyzes [the activities] distinguishing features and achievements. Moreover, in order to understand the temple’s related contributions to aspects of Taiwan’s Daoist education and Daoist research, given the temple’s promotion of Daoist education and their year-round active participation in directing academic conferences on Daoism, this article also discusses academia’s response and related aspects in the development of the academic study of Daoism.


輔仁大學宗教學系,〈輔仁大學宗教學系歷屆碩士論文〉,http://www.rsd.fju.edu.tw/content.asp?B=33&S=47,2014 年4 月3 日下載。
華嚴專宗學院推廣部,〈許洋主老師介紹〉,http://www.huayencollege.org/co/co_tea/co_tea_2b.php,2014 年4 月18 日下載。
