  • 期刊


The Early Indigenized Theology of Nationalism in the True Jesus Church (1917-1949)




The True Jesus Church (TJC) was a product of the Chinese Church Independent Movement, which took place in the early part of the 20th century, but, in preserving its ecumenical connections with the broader Christian world, its course of development was entirely different from mainstream churches of that time, such as the Church of Christ in China 中華基督教會 and the National Christian Council of China 中華基督教協進會. The generation of the TJC was to some extent influenced by Chinese Nationalism of the time, and leaders chose a path that would cut off connections with other churches. Paul Wei 魏保羅, the founder of the TJC, won the authority to speak on the issue of church independence through the extraordinary experiences of the Pentecostal movement. Soon after, during the period of Barnabas Chang's 張巴拿巴 leadership of the church, when there was a fusion of nationalism and the Pentecostal movement's "Latter Rain Eschatology" (Wanyu zhongmo lun 晚雨終末論), coupled with a gradual move towards amillennialist eschatology and additional expositions on "Occidentalism," the church developed the theological understanding of itself as the only saved true church and the bearer of the "Holy Spirit of the Latter Rain" (wanyu shengling 晚雨聖靈). In this understanding, the TJC considered China as the center of global Christianity and sought to transform the status of Chinese Christianity, which at the time was situated at the periphery of the Christian world. By "recentralizing" Chinese Christianity, the TJC brought about their own self-empowerment and a national consciousness. From this, we can see that the TJC of the Republican period was not absent from the flourishing discussion on Chinese indigenized theology and was not lacking in important contributions. This essay attempts to clarify and sort out the indigenized theology of the TJC of this period.


不著撰人,1947,〈第十一屆全體代表大會紀錄〉,《真耶穌教會聖靈報》,1:1,2,3,頁 18。
王曉朝,2010,〈基督教融入本土文化之理論基礎:“本土化”之語境與範式地位〉,收入李秋零、楊熙楠主編,《現代性、傳統變遷與漢語神學(上編)》,上海:華東師範大學出版社,頁 235-245。
王曉靜,2014,〈「實現一個純全中國本色化和合而為一的教會」:誠靜怡與中華基督教會〉,《景風》,13:1-2,頁 81-105。
