  • 期刊


"Take Over and Carry Forward" and "Add to Other Works for Marketing": A Study of the Compilation and Content of Xu Er Tan




There are two editions of Xu Er Tan, housed in the Cabinet Book Collection of Japan and Waseda University. Since being preserved oversea, Xu Er Tan has been rarely discussed. What concerns us most is that the two editions have different autographs nevertheless with nearly the same editorial styles. This article aims to clarify the discrepancy of the autographs by inspecting the authors’ biographic sketches. Moreover, with the precise analysis of the compiled content of this book, the study indicates that Xu Er Tan includes two types of materials: "Take over and carry forward" and "Add to other works for marketing." "Take over and carry forward" means some contents are continuations of Wang Tong Gui’s Er Tan. The authors of Xu Er Tan recoded their own experiences, ancient documents, and social anecdotes; in which they also added their own comments. The second one is "Add to other works for marketing," which is compiled from the contemporary novels, especially Er Tan Lei Zeng and Yan Xia Xiao Shuo. Based on these discussions, Xu Er Tan is more likely to be combined with the original authors’ recoding works and other novels supplemented by booksellers or editors


(1995)。四庫全書存目叢書。臺南=Tainan:莊嚴出版社=Solemn Publishing。
