  • 期刊


Developing an Academic Information Visualization Network System-using WOCAD academic database as an example


學術資料通常包含了數億個原始數據,而這樣大量的資料該如何有效進行分析並檢索出有效的訊息是研究者面臨的關鍵問題。資訊視覺化作為一種研究方法,常被用於幫助理解數據之間的關係,有效的視覺化內容甚至可以為解決問題提供見解。因此,本研究以WOCAD(Web of CAADRIA)資料庫作為數據來源,該數據庫是來自CAADRIA會議1996-2015年的精煉關係數據。由於CAADRIA作為電腦輔助設計(CAD)中的一個特殊興趣小組(SIG)的性質並針對此單一領域做知識的累積及拓展,這些數據提供了不同於一般學術資訊的領域特定信息且非常適合表現在該領域中的意義。本視覺化網路系統使用D3.js做為學術資訊視覺化呈現的開發工具來繪製視覺圖,並建立了MEAN Stack介面系統來管控及調整MongoDB的資料內容,最後透過此系統所製作的視覺圖來做比較分析。視覺化研究透過了作者、著作及關鍵字的相互關聯以視覺化方式呈現,來讓研究者從中了解整個研討會的社交網路。本文以共同作者發表網路圖、關鍵字連結圖以及分年作者發表網路圖做比較與分析,從網路地圖中發掘作者的學術發展深度及拓展性以評價作者在CAD學術界的存在,並且評估作者在於學術圈中的活躍度與重要性,同時觀察作者於CAD領域中的發展脈絡。


The academic information often contains billions of raw data. How to retrieve a meaningful information from such massive amount of data effectively is a key issue for researchers. Information visualization as a research method is often used for understanding the relation and context among data, and effective visualization can even provide insights for resolution. Therefore, this article investigates an academic visualization network system with information visualization process. The data sources that this article uses is the WOCAD (Web of CAADRIA) database that is a refined relation data from CAADRIA proceedings from 1996-2015. With the nature of CAADRIA as a special interest group in computer aided design (CAD), this data provides a domain specific information that is different from the general academic information that is suitable for unleashing the meaning among this field. Visual network system conducted uses D3.js as a development tool for the visual presentation of academic information to draw visual maps, and establishes a MEAN Stack interactive system to control and adjust the data content of MongoDB, and finally the visual maps produced is analyzed and results are compared. The interrelationship of authors, works, and keywords is presented as an interactive network visualization. From this network, the author's academic development depth and expansibility can be explored to evaluate the author's presence in the academic circle of CAD. The activity and importance of the author, while observing the author's development in the CAD field can then be unleashed and explored.


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