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A Research on Public Satisfaction with Prosecutors' Offices and Feelings of Social Safety: Cases from Taipei City and New Taipei City


近年來,法制變遷往往起因於民眾聲浪的要求,為能了解民眾對於檢察機關與社會安全事項所關注的議題與期盼,本文以檢察機關司法滿意度、社會安全感受度為兩大主軸,邀請臺北市、新北市地區不同身分與經驗的民眾,包括執業律師8 人、收容人6 人、里長7 人、被害人家屬與保護工作者7 人,共計28 人,進行質性焦點座(訪)談,藉以釐清不同群體中所關注的檢察機關議題與社會安全問題,並提供研究結論與建議,期使相關政府機關,在擬定或推動政策時能更貼近民眾需求。  我國檢察機關長期以來勵精圖治,力求翻轉在一般民眾心目中權威至上,不可親近的冷衙門形象,在本研究中,雖已看到一些努力的成效,但整體而言,仍未能達到民眾滿意的效果,究其原因,除了必須在程序的運轉機制上再行檢討改善外,由於一切制度的執行主體在於人,因此,提昇執法人員的人文素養與同理心,讓執法人員在接觸民眾的過程中,能多帶點人味與溫度,亦應是提昇民眾司法滿意度與社會安全感受度極為關鍵之一環。


Recently, some amendments of law and order were caused by public demand. Therefore, in order to understand public expectations of prosecutors’ offices and social safety, this paper focuses on the topics on public satisfaction with the prosecutors’ offices and feelings of social safety by having 4 focus groups and 28 interviewees, including 8 lawyers, 6 prisoners, 7 chiefs of villages, and 7 victims' family members and officers. This paper aims to understand issues of the topics from different groups, and tries to make suggestions for the government to plan for public needed policy. Although prosecutors’ offices have made effort to turn the impression from untouchable authority to familiar one, the result is far from satisfying. Therefore, in addition to revise executions process, the most important factor to raise satisfaction is to increase practitioners’ compassion and empathy, which may create a more humane and positive experience for the public.


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