  • 期刊


A Study of Elementary School Principals’ Well-Being




Well-being is an important topic for positive psychology. In the past three years, well-being has become one of the most cited topics in a number of theses and dissertations in Taiwan. In a modern democratic society, being an elementary school principal is a demanding and stressful job. Recently, the average retirement age of elementary school principals has been decreasing, while the number of retirees has been increasing. The wellbeing of elementary school principals is a topic worthy of research since it is closely related to the retention of elementary school principals. In this study, hermeneutic phenomenology was adopted as the research method, in which in-depth interviews were conducted with 13 elementary school principals, and a content theme analysis was conducted to analyze their well-being experiences. First, the findings of the research show that positive thinking is a prerequisite for elementary school principals. Occasional negative thinking was unavoidable; therefore, elementary school principals should regularly engage in leisure activities to regulate their frame of mind. Second, devotion to work is a fundamental attitude for elementary school principals, and many of them have had flow experiences. Third, elementary school principals must have a strong sense of mission, equipping their jobs with value and meaning so that they can arouse the passion in the other members. Fourth, in terms of school development, good public relations, especially sincerity and trust, are indispensable to elementary school principals. Fifth, the job of elementary school principals can (a) be self-fulfilling, (b) offer a sense of achievement and honor, and, in turn, (c) make them possess a sense of well-being.


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