  • 期刊


Why and How Emperor Xuan listed Guliang zhuan as an Official Classic?




That Emperor Xuan listed Guliang zhuan as a crucial text in official education during the Mid-Western Han Dynasty is often regarded as a great event in the historical development of Chinese classics studies. Given the limited circulation of Guliang zhuan and the general neglect it suffered in the hands of the Confucian scholars, why did Emperor Xuan marshal such support for the text? This article challenges the received notion, especially prevalent among the historians, that Guliang zhuan was adopted not only as an official classic, but also as a step of redressing the wrongs done to Prince Li, the grandfather of Emperor Xuan. Prince Li adopted Guliang zhuan as the basis of his ideological camp but his enterprise came to an end when he was forced to death in the Witchcraft Incident. According to this view, Guliang zhuan was a comforting symbolic tool to Emperor Xuan that allowed him to establish a link with Prince Li. In examining the narratives of the History of Han, however, one discovers that the fact that young Prince Li studied Guliang zhuan was at most just a remote inspiration Emperor Xuan. Like other texts that were not officially sanctioned at the time, Guliang zhuan was finally encouraged and supported by the government as a result of the policy of academic tolerance, and did not have much to do with the tragedy of Prince Li.


〔唐〕徐彥,《春秋公羊傳注疏》,卷12、16、18、22 , 北京: 北大學出版社,1999
〔唐〕楊士勛,《春秋穀梁傳注疏》,卷1、9、12、14、16,北京: 北京大學出版社,1999。
