  • 期刊


The Formation and Evolution of "Dao" Concepts in Modern China through the Lens of Digital Humanities




現代性 轉型時代 概念史 數碼人文


The emergence of modernity has been an enduring critical issue for humanities scholars, giving rise to a significant number of fundamental studies. With the advent of post-modernism, scholars are led to rethink the concept of modernity that springs from Eurocentric thinking and propose "multiple modernities" that are based on the social and cultural contexts of different countries/regions. Although some studies have been conducted on Chinese modernity from the political, economic, educational and hygienic perspectives, there is room for more delicate analyses and discussions. With this as the premise, this paper will analyze the transformation and the changing trajectory of value under Chinese modernity. To this end, focusing on the years from 1895 to 1925, regarded by Chang Hao as the transitional period of modern Chinese intellectual history, and taking dao-related concepts as the objects of study, this paper will make use of Reinhart Koselleck's (1923-2006) conceptual history and the booming research of digital humanities to compute the structure of meaning of the concept of dao from the massive historical data of modern China. The long-term transformation of the concept of dao will then be revealed, from which this paper will depict the development trajectory of Chinese modernity.


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