  • 期刊


On the Conception of "Jing Quan" in Zhu Xi's Practice of Li Studies




Zhu Xi's practice of Li studies, include the compilation of ritual books and the practice of ritule. The main achievements of compilation of ritual books, are Jia Li and Yi Li Jing Zhuan Tong Jie. The compliation of Jia li, intended to make the old ritule dicources simpler and clearer. The compliation of Yi Li Jing Zhuan Tong Jie, was a new style of ritule book which mainly based on the Yi Li. The practice of ritule, which means the process of Zhu Xi discussed the ritule questions with people of the time through letters. The conception of "Jing Quan" is a trditional chinese ethical thought about the opposing position between universality(Jing) and particularity(Quan). Jin and Quan are not entire opposte to each other, however, they are a pair of dialectical conceptions. This article argues that the concption of "Jing Quan" is a important foundation of Zhu Xi's practice of Li. There are three reasons to support it: first, Li and Jin are a pair of recognizable objects which are viewed as a whole in the style of the Confucian classics. In this thought, when Zhu Xi adjusting the ritules or the style of the Confucian classics, he must base on the conception of the "Jing Quan". Second, the practice of ritules should be based on the Confucian classics, but the ritules are naturelly changeable, how to balance the practicalities and the ancient books? It was testing Zhu Xi's conception of "Jing Quan". Third, through the conception of "Jing Quan", the process of Zhu Xi's compliation of Jia li, could be seemed as a kind of "Quan Heng(adjustment)" to the old ritule books, and the outcome of "Quan Heng" is a kind of "Quan Yi(expedient)". On the other side, process of Zhu Xi's compliation of Yi Li Jing Zhuan Tong Jie is not a "Quan Yi" but a new Confucian classics through Zhu Xi's "Quan Heng".


Zhu Xi Li studies Jin Quan Jia li Yi Li Jing Zhuan Tong Jie


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