  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



隨著企業經營銷售模式的日新月異,推陳出新的行銷方案與優惠促銷策略,更加速了企業內部既有系統整合的需求。而在這快速成長的系統整合需求聲浪下,企業內部該如何重整既有舊系統符合時代需求,提升系統的可擴充性與彈性,縮短系統上線時間與開發成本變成為一門重要的課題。過去企業內部各單位針對不同業務領域需求各自開發所需系統,且各系統間彼此獨立運作。面對既有的系統包袱,且同時配合層出不窮的多元行銷策略,企業需發展一套新的整合受理訂單架構與流程,有效降低新需求開發的成本與時間。本研究將針對企業現況問題進行分析,並提出一導入微服務(Microservices)的整合訂單受理平台架構,利用事件驅動架構(Event Driven Architecture,EDA)、命令查詢責任分離機制(Command Query Responsibility Segregation,CQRS)與事件溯源(Event Sourcing)概念來解決微服務化後帶來的系統挑戰,使系統更加具備可擴充性與彈性以符合時代需求。


Along with the rapid change of business operation models, the number of various marketing programs and promotional strategies is rising in a huge leap. This also speeds up the new demand of existing systems integration within a company. In terms of those fast-growing system integration needs, how to re-engineer these old online systems, enhance the system scalability and flexibility, shorten the system on-line time and development costs become an important issue. In the past, each operation unit within a company developed their unique systems for different business purpose and needs, and the systems operated independently to each other. With the existing system burden, and the endless diversified marketing strategy, each company has to develop a new system architecture and processes of ordering systems to reduce the cost of developing new system and implementation time effectively. This paper will analyze the current challenges and difficulties of a company and provide an integrated order handling platform architecture with microservices. Using Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing to sort out the possible system issues that may be caused by microservices.


Microservices EDA CQRS Event Sourcing SOA Order Management System
