  • 期刊


Between and Beyond the Worldly Wisdom - Exploring the Integration and Distinction between Buddhist Philosophies and Contemporary Management Concepts




Over the years, the author has been attempting to integrate the two different disciplines of studies, namely: Buddhism and Management Science into a new academic fusion. It is expected that under the influence of Buddhist concepts and philosophies, researchers might ultimately enhance the practical value of management art. In this paper, the author begins with the generalisation and application of the worldly wisdom and the ultimate wisdom, summarises the different schools of thought in management and the common challenges as well as problems that frequently emerge in enterprise management, and explores how Dharma concepts complement the shortcomings of the worldly wisdom and the inter-assimilates with Dharma and Management. Finally, the author heralds a new research direction which hopefully will serve as a catalyst for activating a new study discipline based on his demonstration of the complementary values of interdisciplinary application between the worldly and ultimate wisdoms in managerial practices. That is also a wishful pledge / prospect from the author for future corresponding researches.
