  • 期刊


Buddhism and Okakura Tenshin's Pan-Asianism


岡倉天心(Okakura Tenshin, 1862-1913),原名岡倉覺三(Okakura Kakuzō),是近代日本民族啓蒙運動時期的核心思想家之一,在就讀東京帝國大學(今東京大學)期間,成為時任東大哲學教授的東方學家費諾羅薩的學生與助手,在其影響下,與之一道致力於拯救東方藝術和日本文化。岡倉天心分別於1893年、1906年、1908年和1912年四次到訪中國,為波士頓美術館東方美術部收購大量中國珍貴古畫與佛教藝術品;1903年至1906年間,岡倉天心出版了包括《東洋的理想》(The Ideals of the East, 1903)和《茶之書》(The Book of Tea, 1906)在內的四本英文著作,在西方產生極大影響。基於對岡倉的生平與著作之梳理,筆者發現他在宣揚與維護東方傳統美學理想和呼籲西方對「東洋」的關注時,一再借助中國古典藝術和佛教思想傳達其強烈以日本為中心的「亞洲一體論」,其思想透露出矛盾性與前軍國主義思想。基於此,本文將從親歷中國、書寫東方、展示東方三個層面展開分析,探討特殊時期佛教思想和藝術對岡倉天心的重要影響,總結岡倉天心的跨文化想像心理機制,以及他在近代中國時期借助佛教所建構起的全新的日本現代民族闡釋模式。


Okakura Tenshin (1862-1913), also known as Okakura Kakuzo, was one of the noted thinkers and writers during the Japanese National Enlightenment of Meiji period. While studying in Tokyo Imperial University, he met and studied under Harvard-educated professor and orientalist Ernest Fenollosa. Under Fenollosa's influence, Tenshin devoted much of his life to the preservation and promotion of Japanese arts. To the expansion of Boston's Museum of Fine Arts' collections of Chinese paintings & treasures of Buddhism, he took his trips to China for four times in 1893, 1906, 1908 and 1912. With the publications of his English books in western literary field between 1903 to 1906, Tenshin established his reputation as a pioneering writer in overseas preservation and promotion of Asian artistic heritage. It should be noted, however, that while calling for the protection of eastern aesthetic ideals and western attention to Japan, Tenshin proclaimed his pan-Asianist idea "Asia is One" repeatedly on the basis of Chinese classical arts and philosophy of Buddhism, which is full of pre-militarism and self-contradiction. This article, based on the interpretations of Tenshin's works and his trans-pacific trips to China, comprehensively explores influences of art and philosophy of Buddhism on his life from the following three dimensions, the experience of China, the writing and the exhibition of the Eastern, hoping to summarize Okakura Tenshin's mental mechanism of Cross-Cultural Imagination as well as his Buddhism-based mode of interpretation on Nationalism of Modern Japan.
