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Digital Textual Criticism: The New Literacy for Humanities Scholars


本文主要是從「考證」著眼,探討數位時代人文研究的「典範轉移」(paradigm shift)問題。本文認為,所有的人文研究,無論是傳統時代還是數位時代,都需要立足於「資料」(data),也需要「考證」。但是,資料的形式和運用資料所會遭遇的問題,以及「考證」的方法和工具,則是變動不居的。就此而言,數位時代的人文研究「典範」必須也必然會「轉移」。因此,在「資料為王」、「機器人」(robot)稱霸的數位時代,人文學者的確需要兼習數位科技與人文知識,兼具人文涵養與「運算思維」(computational thinking)。但是,這樣並不保證我們就能在數位世界騰雲駕霧、暢行無阻。畢竟,這只是素養(literacy),不是技能(skill)。而這種新素養,或許可以稱之為「數位考證」(digital textual criticism)。


This paper investigates the issue of "paradigm shift" in humanities research in the digital era, mainly from the perspective of "evidential research"-meaning textual criticism based on the investigation of both internal and external evidence. All humanities research, whether from the traditional or digital era, must be based on a foundation of "data" and "evidential research." But the forms of data, the challenges one might encounter while using these data, as well the as the methods and tools of "evidential research," are constantly changing. Thus, our "paradigm" for humanities research in the digital era must also necessarily be constantly shifting. Consequently, in this digital era dominated by data and robots, humanities scholars need to study both digital technology and the humanities so that they can combine both humanistic erudition and "computational thinking." However, the combination of these two does not guarantee that we can then soar unimpeded through the cosmos of the digital world. After all, this combination constitutes mere "literacy," not "skill." This new type of literacy may be called "digital textual criticism."


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