  • 期刊





南海爭端 美國 東協


1. This study aims to analyze the US factors play an important role in the South China Sea dispute at the same time, the development of a far-reaching impact on the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, which contains the region of ASEAN Dispute country in the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries, as well as non-involved in the dispute to Japan, India, Russia and other countries, and the complexity of the South China Sea issue, international trends affect different levels. 2. Over all, US support for ASEAN countries continued to strengthen the dispute, the United States to strengthen the impact on the security situation in the South China Sea from all levels. Objectively speaking, the measures taken by the United States greatly increased the complexity of the dispute over sovereignty of the South China Sea, South China Sea issue will be difficult to obtain a compromise point, the confrontation events will continue to occur, but also to ASEAN have different options in the face of the CCP, the CCP to improve East national Association for the difficulty of diplomatic coercion, for the maintenance of security and stability in the South China Sea situation has brought many variables, leading to tension in the Asia-Pacific region.


South China Sea Dispute U.S. ASEAN
