  • 期刊


Discourse on Buddhism in the manuscript Religione Sinica (early Eigteenth century) by Charles Maigrot, MEP




顏璫 熊賜履 無神論 善惡報應


Michele Ruggieri, Matteo Ricci and other Jesuits were the first to present the history and teaching of Buddhism to Europeans. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, when the Rites Controversy was at its height, Charles Maigrot wrote a voluminous manuscript, De Sinica Religione Dissertationes quatuor, containing a short section describing the history and doctrine of Chinese Buddhism. Unlike the summary treatment of Buddhism by the Jesuits, Maigrot translated Chinese materials. However, he did not directly translate Chinese sutras, but Confucian texts of the Song and Ming dynasties that discuss Buddhism. This paper presents the materials used by Maigrot and analyzes how he accepted the radical criticism of Qing Confucianism against Buddhism, and yet, on the question of moral retribution, Maigrot stood on the side of Buddhism. His discourse shows the complexity of the Catholic position on Buddhism.


《楞伽經》,CBETA, T16, no. 670。
《四十二章經》,CBETA, T17, no. 784。
《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》,CBETA, T19, no. 945。
《景德傳燈錄》,CBETA, T51, no. 2076。
《續古今譯經圖紀》,CBETA, T55, no. 2152。
