  • 期刊

Étienne Lamotte: Translator of the Da zhidu lun

Étienne Lamotte:《大智度論》之翻譯者


Étienne Lamotte (1903-1983) is one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of the twentieth century. Based on his biographies, I discuss his exceptional achievements, his method of study, and his unrivalled works. I also touch upon his contribution as a Roman Catholic priest to the promotion of mutual understanding between Buddhists and Christians. As to his magnum opus, the annotated French translation of the Da zhidu lun 大智度論 (T1509), I introduce reviews written by Japanese scholars of this work, including discussions surrounding its authorship. Lastly, I could not help but express my wish to think about how we could best utilize the academic heritage that we have inherited from Lamotte and how we might pass it on to the next generation.


Étienne Lamotte(1903-1983)是20世紀最偉大的佛教學者之一。根據他的傳記,筆者討論了他的傑出成就、研究方法和無與倫比的作品,並且也闡述他身爲羅馬天主教神父對於促進佛教徒及基督教徒之間相互瞭解的貢獻。至於他的代表作,法文注釋本的《大智度論》(T1509),筆者引述了日本學者對此法文注釋本《大智度論》的評論,以及對《大智度論》作者問題的探討。最後,筆者誠摯地希望我們能充分學習和使用Lamotte所留下的學術著作以及將其傳承給下一代。


Da zhidu lun 大智度論. CBETA, T25, no. 1509.
Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: A Sanskrit Edition Based upon the Manuscript Newly Found at the Potala Palace (梵文維摩経:ポポラ宮所蔵蔵本に基づく校訂), Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhim,Taisho University (大正大学綜合佛教研究所梵語佛典研究会).Tokyo: Taisho University Press, 2006.
Bechert, Heinz. 1985a. “Obituary: In Memoriam Étienne Lamotte (1903-1983).” Numen, 32 (1): 119-129.
Bechert, Heinz. 1985b. “Étienne Lamotte (1903-1983).” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 8, 2: 151-156.
Brough, John. 1962. “Étienne Lamotte: Histoire du bouddhisme indien.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 25: 378–380.
